EveryScape has launched a 3D local search site that lets people drive down streets and even walk into buildings. The visuals (video) are stunning as you fly through the front doors of hotels, bars, and other buildings and turn around for a 360-degree view.
At the site
You click anywhere in the map to be taken to the next spot. One navigates by using the auto drive button and get a tour of the neighborhood as if you were a passenger in a cab, watching the sights go by. Clicking on the you drive button and take the controls, clicking on an orange arrow to proceed forward and using the mouse to change direction or glance up.
Besides the ability to tour the insides of buildings, what makes EveryScape different from other 3D local search sites, like Google Street View and Microsoft Street Side, is the business model.
So a huge new market in Inter-Urban photo capture Industry will smartly arise and; EveryScape is cutting deals with businesses to create the tours inside the buildings, instead of just showing ads on the map.
This new web platform will spread like wildfire across the Globe in tarmac grafitti proportions
Its definiely a huge enhancement for GPS Technologies,and it may quite easily turn into its own as a handheld appliance or even as public access stations. Gee I wonder if Google will buy it ?
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