Friday 26 November 2010

Surreal Cinematic PR Epic - Batelco Infinity

phew, this is some cool entertaining reinterpretation of Inception dreaming if there ever was one !

Infinity, from directors Alex & Steffen, (SpyFilms), strikes a cord of a futuristic real time interactive Disney World. where toy-land and futuristic are morphologically wedded.

Batelco, or Bahrain Telecommunications Company has grown to be the biggest provider of internet, mobile and telephone services in Bahrain, and are possibly hoping to heat sink new markets or merely having some fun making a PR viral  video in downtown Toronto, Canada ?

That morphing speed train roller coaster really delighted me, how about you ?

Nevertheless, here now if you feel up to it, watch how all those squizzoid  sci-fi visual fx  and outrageous yet seductive fanciful stunts were post produced is the making of Batelco Infinity.

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