Faucher Romain here presents us a video of the latest performance of Le Scaphandrier (The Diver) by the French mechanical marionette street theater company Royale De Luxe.
"Nantes, the home town of Jules Verne, is situated in western France. Here, near the river Loire a giant deep-sea diver sleeps gently, waiting for his task to begin. Sadness marks his face even as he sleeps. He has been searching the world over for his missing niece and although he may not know it, the end of his search is coming. The diver or scaphandrier as he is known in French will be paraded through the streets of this historic city at the beginning of the Estuary 2009 arts festival. The biannual festival gives the French mechanical marionette street theater company Royale de Luxe the opportunity to unveil their latest creation." continue reading
If the Little Girl Giant weighs in at 42 ton and the Diver appears to be more than three times larger we may begin to appreciate the enormity of the project and be amazed at the spectacular nature of maneuvering such a huge puppet around in public domains !
See more pictures of how the giant mechanical marionette is moved about.