John Papandriopoulos of the University of Melbourne – has invented a way to reduce crosstalk interference on DSL broadband copper lines and increase speeds to a theoretical maximum of 200 Mbps.
Many years ago people used to pick up the phone and make a phone call and you'd be able to hear a faint or distant telephone conversation taking place, and that's called cross-talk. This cross-talk in current day DSL networks effectively produces noise onto other lines, and this noise reduces the speed of your connection.
After developing an algorithm to reduce the electromagnetic interference that slows down ADSL connections. Dr Papandriopoulos said his algorithm served to minimise that interference and thus maximise the line speed.
Stanford University engineering professor John Cioffi, known by some as the "father of DSL", was one of the external experts reviewing the research, which made up Dr Papandriopoulos's PhD thesis. Professor Cioffi, who developed the computer chips inside the first DSL modems, was so impressed he offered the 29-year-old a job at his Silicon Valley start-up company, ASSIA, which is developing ways to optimise the performance of DSL netwoeks