Friday 27 April 2012

Trip the light fantastic, Light Painting Video

My instinctual imagination suggests that, since neolithic times people likely found ways to entertain themselves as night falls with quickly moving flamed torches creating temporary virtual light paintings.

With the arrival of photography came a way to record this phenomena and thus create light paintings by moving a hand-held light source in view of the camera's lens.  Man Ray, in his 1935 series Space Writing, was the first known art photographer to use the technique.

Whilst many a creative photographer has explored this genre by using differing timed exposures, the technique is very much an open book lending itself to much experimentation.

Professional photographer Richard Kendall has created his "Painting with light and strobe bullet time" in an open plan studio space. He used a circle of 96 individual cameras some of which can be seen in the video below.

Wasn't that motion panorama edit fantastic ? The swirling motion of the video and the delightfully sequenced race of the music, euphemistically embraces in a kind of suspended disbelief.

According to Richard,  he used 30 second sequential exposures and a lot of running around with an assortment of powerful lights, combined with a manual and pulsing strobe flash.

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