Tuesday 3 August 2010

Hey, a Flying Car ! The Maverick Sport from Itec

Itec, or Indigenous People's Technology and Education center, is a non profit company, have developed what they coin The Maverick Sport, a flying car that anyone who can drive, and learn to fly, in just a few hours of tuition. 

Itec's zany but cool looking beach buggy flying car or iFly has passed all the legal tests and among the tech specs;  its Float capable, has Robust suspension for 'off roaring', Dual drive (transaxle or propeller) and can do Interstate speeds on road plus it has Proprietary mast and spar system that makes crosswind operations possible.

Thing to keep in mind though, their primary focus for their flying machine is for humanitarian use in frontier areas of the world.

Although the video is exciting, with some cool music by Andy Hunter and David Crowder, there's an awful lot that being glossed over, like correct me if I'm wrong but I don't recall seeing how one attaches and dismembers the parachute wing and its not clear how much runway one needs for lift and landing.
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