This is Douglas Murphy’s soundtrack for the architectural jelly banquet organised by Bompas and Parr as part of the London Festival of Architecture. The wet, squelchy, sloppy sounds were captured by recording the “sonic wobble” of jelly. The soundtrack was just one of the performances around the banquet, alongside dancers, jelly wrestling, costumes and jelly tasting. Tonkin Liu won the architectural jelly competition with their Fresh Flower Jelly. All the shortlisted jellies were on display from Atkins, Austin and Mergold, Walter Chefitz, Foster and Partners, Grimshaw, Iain McCaig, Rogers Stirk Harbour and Partners, SMC Alsop, Tonkin Liu and Chrysostomos Tsimourdagkas.The banquet was held at University College London, where Murphy recorded the jellies in one of their anechoic chambers. Out of context from the banquet the sound track could easily be misinterpreted as a fish flapping around in shallow water.